Class Dungeon
Implements dungeon generation by room accretion method.
Dungeon():buildDungeon(width, height)
- Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- Author: LonelyOwl
dungeonClass:_addTile (x, y, tile)
Add a tile at location, removes any tileCache reference at index
dungeonClass:serializeChanges ()
Serialize the dungeonClass.changes table, and push changes.
All serialization is pushed on tile-by-tile basis.
dungeonClass:_resolveCornerDoors (tile)
Swaps floor tiles to wall tiles adjacent to corner doors.
Needed for circle & cellular automata rooms.
dungeonClass:_getAllTilesAsNodes ()
A function to return a list of tiles for Dijkstra mapping.
dungeonClass:_floodFillTile (start, list)
(Deprecated) basic flood fill algorithm. Not in use currently.
dungeonClass:analyzeMapConnectivity ()
Analyzes the map by visualizing a Dijkstra node map.
dungeonClass:getNumberOfRooms ()
Returns an int value of # of rooms.
Since rooms are indexed by ID, need to re-iterate every time.
dungeonClass:deleteRoom ()
Deletes a room by removing tiles individually.
Removes tile index from dungeonClass.tileCache
dungeonClass:removeBadHallways ()
Iterate over hallways, delete those without any children.
No children indicate the hallway is a deadend.
dungeonClass:_isValidChasmPlacement (room, x, y)
(DEPRECATED) Was needed before tileCache was expanded to contain multiple tiles.
function dungeonClass:cleanRoom(room)
for y = 1, #room.tiles do
for x = 1, #room.tiles[y] do
if room.tiles[y][x].type ~= 'empty' then
insert(self.changes, room.tiles[y][x])
dungeonClass:buildDungeon ()
Starts dungeon generation.
List of data structures contained within.
Any array that serves the purpose of a cache is simply a
list of ids indexed by ids. So tileCache is simply an array
conntaining tile id's indexed by (x, y) position.
- width
(int) width of dungeon in tiles.
- height
(int) height of dungeon in tiles.
- id
(int) a unique identifier for rooms.
- roomCount
(int) a count of rooms generated successfully.
- tileCache
(table) 2D array of room id's indexed by x, and y values.
- sleep
(float) value for slowing down generation for visualization.
dungeon.printc (text)
Shortcut for printing to runtime console.
dungeon._createUUID ()
Generates a unique UUID for rooms.
dungeonClass:_createRoom ()
Read shape data from theme, and output room object.
dungeonClass:generateRoom ()
Generates a random pre-authored room.
dungeon.sortByConnections (a, b)
Sort room by (newest) room added.
dungeon.sortByConnectionsCenter (a, b)
Sort room by (oldest) room added.
dungeonClass:_getRandomRoom ()
Returns a random room Object from dungeonClass.listOfRooms.
dungeonClass:_getTileByRoomID ()
Retrieve a tile Object from a Room id.
dungeonClass:_throwRoomAtDungeon ()
"Throw" a generated room at the dungeon. If it is
a valid placement, place the room into the dungeon.
dungeonClass:_isValidRoomPlacement ()
Check if room placement at (x, y) is valid.
dungeonClass:_addRoom ()
Place room into dungeon at (x,y), assign the room a UUID.
dungeonClass:_getTileNeighbors ()
Return an array of tiles neighbors, unsorted.
dungeonClass:_getMapValue ()
Returns the cost to move to specified node
dungeonClass:_manhattanDistance ()
Uses the Manhattan Distance formula for returning cost.
Used in Dijkstra mapping.
dungeonClass:_dijkstra ()
Implements Dijkstra path algorithm.
dungeon._getTileFromStart ()
Returns a random floor tile from the "starting" room.