Class Room

Implements Room Objects for room accretion.

Room objects are containers of tile data, with special behavior for generation.




  • Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
  • Author: LonelyOwl


room.Class List of data structures contained within.

Local Functions

room._createRoomBuffer () Creates a room buffer (hash map) for tile manipulation.
room.connectTo () A function for pushing ids to Room.connectedRooms


room:setPosition (x, y) Set world position of room, and update tile (wx, wy) positions.
room:getRoomWidth (excludeEmpties) Return room width by largest x-value of contained tiles.
room:getRoomHeight (excludeEmpties) Return room height by largest h-value of contained tiles.
room:getRoomDimensions (excludeEmpties) A function for getting width & height.
room:getPosition () A function for getting the (x, y) position of a room.
room:generateSquareRoom (width, height) Generate a square room
room:generateCircleRoom (radius) Generate a circular room given a radius.
room:generateCARoom (width, height, ...) Generate a Cellular Automata blob
room:setTile (x, y, type) Set the type of a tile at local x, y position
room:getSerializedRoomTiles () Iterates over all tiles inside room, and serializes those tiles for output.
room:getTile (x, y) Returns a tile Object based on local (x, y) position.
room:getTileByWorld (wx, wy) Returns a tile Object based on world (x, y) position
room:setNeighbors () Populate tile neighbors on tile Object for later reference.
room:addWallsToRoom () Iterates over every tile in a room, and assigns empty cells to wall cells if they're neighbored by floor cells.
room:assignRoomIds (id) Used after a room is generated.
room:createRoomFromTable (width, height, table) Creates a room object from a list of tiles.
room:serialize () Serialization of room, and tiles consequentially.


List of data structures contained within.
  • x (int) x world position of room. (top left corner)
  • y (int) y world position of room. (top left corner)
  • dungeon (int) id of dungeon the room belongs to.
  • connectedRooms (table) a list of connected rooms indexed by id.
  • tiles (table) List of tile objects in room.
  • tileCache (table) 2D array of tile ids indexed by local x, y position.

Local Functions

room._createRoomBuffer ()
Creates a room buffer (hash map) for tile manipulation.
room.connectTo ()
A function for pushing ids to Room.connectedRooms


room:setPosition (x, y)
Set world position of room, and update tile (wx, wy) positions.


  • x
  • y
room:getRoomWidth (excludeEmpties)
Return room width by largest x-value of contained tiles.


  • excludeEmpties boolean whether to include empty tiles in calculation.
room:getRoomHeight (excludeEmpties)
Return room height by largest h-value of contained tiles.


  • excludeEmpties boolean whether to include empty tiles in calculation.
room:getRoomDimensions (excludeEmpties)
A function for getting width & height.


  • excludeEmpties boolean whether empty tiles should be counted.

See also:

room:getPosition ()
A function for getting the (x, y) position of a room.

See also:

room:generateSquareRoom (width, height)
Generate a square room


  • width
  • height
room:generateCircleRoom (radius)
Generate a circular room given a radius.


  • radius
room:generateCARoom (width, height, ...)
Generate a Cellular Automata blob


  • width
  • height
  • ...
room:setTile (x, y, type)
Set the type of a tile at local x, y position


  • x
  • y
  • type
room:getSerializedRoomTiles ()
Iterates over all tiles inside room, and serializes those tiles for output.
room:getTile (x, y)
Returns a tile Object based on local (x, y) position.


  • x
  • y
room:getTileByWorld (wx, wy)
Returns a tile Object based on world (x, y) position


  • wx
  • wy convert world to local
room:setNeighbors ()
Populate tile neighbors on tile Object for later reference.
room:addWallsToRoom ()
Iterates over every tile in a room, and assigns empty cells to wall cells if they're neighbored by floor cells.
room:assignRoomIds (id)
Used after a room is generated. Set the roomid property of all tiles in the room to the corresponding room.


  • id
room:createRoomFromTable (width, height, table)
Creates a room object from a list of tiles. Needed because some generation algorithms like CA will output its result into a single dimension table instead of a 2D array of tiles.


  • width
  • height
  • table
room:serialize ()
Serialization of room, and tiles consequentially. Serialization data: {key = id, value = {serializedTileData}}
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2023-09-01 10:24:59